Buying bulk containers may seem like a simple task, but once you begin doing some research, it begins to get more complicated. From your specific application, to volume, weight, size, lids and many more options, it can get confusing quick.
Bulk containers are a huge topic, especially in the commercial sense simply because there is so much variety. Today we hope to simplify some of the information out there and focus in. This blog will focus on fish tubs / containers specifically.
Minimum Requirements
We are going to start with the bare minimum. If you are on a tight budget, this section is the only part you need to ready when buying fish and meat tubs. Everything on the rest of this list is recommended and will make life easier but isn't 100% necessary.
Insulation is the #1 must-have requirement any tub you are considering must have. Seafood can be incredibly fragile and deteriorates extremely fast at warmer temperatures. Making sure your bin is at the correct temperature and stays that way is incredibly important to keeping your product fresh and safe to consume.
Specially with bulk transporting, the container you choose must be able to keep up with the demands of industrial shipping. This means keeping the right temperature even if the container is scratched or bumped during the transport process.
Durability is also a great way to save money in the long run. Going with a less durable bin could mean constant replacing of the tub/container prematurely and costing big.
FDA/CFIA Regulation & Requirements
Whenever it comes to produce/meat/fish/poultry coming into contact with other materials, it's best practice to ensure that container or packaging touching product to be in line with FDA/CFIA regulations. This is a must have when choosing a container to transport seafood in.
Additional Options
Now, for extra options that aren't specifically necessary, but can have some great benefits when it comes to transporting seafood.
For larger operations or business that require separation / distinguishing of products when they are being transported (e.g., Lobsters vs. Crawfish) having a specific bin color can come in handy. Especially in weather that can ruin labelling on said bins.
Availability of colors will depend completely on the supplier. It is not un-common for suppliers to require a full truckload shipment for custom colors/ colors that they don't often stock.
Like colors, tracking is a feature that can be taken advantage of by larger operations. Tracking technology such as RFID tags can identify each bin and its content in a matter of seconds. This takes out the need for labels and can be incorporated to inventory systems to notify operators when an item is being shipped out or when an item needs to be re-ordered.
RFID tags can also transmit other information such as pack date, expiry date or the temperature the bin must be kept at for optimal storage. This is extremely important for products such as seafood where temperature, time and pack date are indicators of good product.
We have an in-house plastic fabrication team that can modify your fish container to whatever specification you require. This is most common when transporting live fish, but can vary depending on application. Our team will walk through the process and options available for the specific issue that needs solving.
Hopefully that gives you a good understanding of seafood containers. As always, we encourage doing as much research as possible before purchasing any product. If you have more questions, feel free to get in touch and one of our materials & handling container experts will help you out.