If you live in a rural area that is not connected to the city's main sewer system, you more than likely have some sort of septic tank underground near your house. Fall is the last good month to repair or replace your septic tank and its components. Helpful bacteria inside the tank requires time to re-populate and this process is delayed when the ground is cold.
Septic tanks come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can also be made from different materials. For more about how a septic tank works you can check out our previous blog post here. Today however, we are going to look at more advanced options of treating residential wastewater, and why it could be a great investment to not only have an eco-friendlier home, but also save you money in the long run. First let’s start with some basics:
What is Wastewater?
To start off, residential wastewater can be simply defined as anything that is going down the drain/pipes of your house. This can include things such as water from your shower, toilet, sink, laundry, etc. This wastewater is then transferred to your septic tank where it begins to separate and be partially treated.
Why Treat Wastewater?
There are a variety of reasons to treat wastewater, the main factor would be for the environment around us.
First, our own health can be impact if wastewater is not handled and treated properly and can lead to serious consequences if cross contamination occurs. Second, untreated wastewater can affect groundwater quality in a negative way if enough of it makes it into the groundwater and eventually our drinking supply. Lastly, animals around us, such as aquatic life or animals that are near an infected source of water, can become seriously ill from the water.
How is Wastewater Treated?
Wastewater most commonly is treated using a gravity fed system. The essential parts to this system are the plumbing or pipes, the storage container often called the septic tank, and the drain field. Each one of these plays a crucial role in treating wastewater. For more information, check out our previous blog.
Advanced Residential Wastewater Treatment Systems

Now, for those wanting to not only increase their wastewater treatment efficiency, but also have better control of your wastewater, two of our wastewater treatment systems are a perfect fit.
One2Clean Wastewater Treatment System
Both advanced systems we offer are designed and imported from GRAF, a German company that also provides our innovative stormwater modular systems.
The first we are going over is our One2Clean system. Fundamentally, this system uses the same intake, holding and discharging principal as a common tank. Where the difference comes is in the mechanical components of the system.
All pumps and electrical components of the One2Clean system are outside of the tank. This extends the life of the system and can easily be checked on and maintained without having to enter the system.
Many wastewater systems use up to three pumping processes to treat wastewater. One2Clean uses one pumping process, saving on energy and extends the lifetime of the air compressor.
Lastly, these tanks are modular for residential homes with need for higher capacity/output. This enables the flexibility of installing an extra tank later if the need arises. At maximum, the one2clean system can support 9 inhabitants.
Klaro Wastewater Treatment System
For larger communities or commercial applications, our next wastewater treatment system is our Klaro Wastewater Treatment System. Klaro systems are generally multi-tank systems, rated for 16-50 inhabitants (Klaro E Professional) and up to 180 inhabitants with the Klaro L system.
Similar to the One2Clean system, the Klaro system uses SBR lifting purifying technology, with no electrical components inside the tank. Lowering overall costs for maintenance and an extremely easy installation process.
The Klaro system is extremely flexible and are intended for contractors & engineers to design for their specific application. Options include:
1. How many tanks are needed (based on organic load)
2. Loading capacity (pedestrian or vehicle)
3. Module add-ons (denitrification, hygiene, phosphate, carbon, and more modules)
4. Connections to drain fields (infiltration tunnels)
5. Re-use of wastewater for common chores (lawn irrigation, vehicle washing, etc.)
And lastly, these units are roto-molded, two-piece tanks that are incredibly durable and have a long service life. While they are going to be typically more expensive than your standard septic tanks, they offer a much eco-friendlier solution that will save you money in the long run.

If you are a sole homeowner, we recommend talking to a contractor or engineer to being the setup for advanced wastewater systems. If you are in BC, a contractor we often work alongside with is SonBuilt Custom Homes. They have built custom high performance homes for years. Check out their work below: