For 2022, not only have we revised our designed of our Combo Low-Profile units, but we are introducing a new capacity.
Formerly only available in a 300USG option, we are now offering a slightly bigger 350 USG model for municipalities, contractors, or homeowners that require a little more capacity for their anti-icing and de-icing activities.
The Refresh

For 2022, we looked at the design of our Combo unit and decided it’s time for some improvements. Previously, all the skids our units were mounted on were made from steel. While this made the units extremely durable, when dealing with brine solution, corrosion/rusting was inevitable.
We looked for different solutions, but many of the options available simply did not have the same durability of a steel skid. That was until we experimented with what now is known as BARR Structural Plastic Panels (BSP Panels).
These panels changed the game for us, opening a wide variety of custom fabrication options. BSP Panels are not only corrosion / rust resistant, but they are also incredibly durable and can handle the day-to-day wear and tear of commercial settings. We use the same panels in a wide range of products such as bio-filters, de-thawing containment for food produce, stands that can support 1,300 kilograms and more.
Today, all three versions of our Combo unit are completely made from our BSP Panels, maintaining a similar level of durability and cost, while increasing the longevity of the unit substantially.
Finished Product

Through many years of service in winter road maintenance industry, the one thing that has never failed us has been our focus on the end user. Whether it be the operators from smaller municipalities, contractors, or homeowners, we wanted to continue making a product that is effective, easy-to-use & understand, and ultimately, was cost-effective.
With that in mind, the new and improved low-profile Combo units continue to have that simplicity and can easily be operated by anyone with very minimal training. The system operates on a 6 HP GX200 Honda Gas engine, with a simple camlock system for both filling and spraying. The unit automatically mixes brine solution and includes a test tube for brine solution testing.
Installing the Combo350 is as simple as it has ever been. There are two main requirements for our units to be installed.
1. Forklift
2. 1-Ton pickup truck or bigger.
The unit should only be installed onto a 1-ton truck (or bigger) when empty. There is a drainplug on the unit for quick discharge. Once empty, plug in the spray bar control unit to the back of the unit, and begin lifting the unit with a forklift. Get as close to the front of the vehicle as possible; be careful with the control unit as it sticks out an extra 6-8 inches that the forklift driver might not be able to see.
Once the unit is in place, using a 2" ratchet strap, secure the unit to the truck bed to prevent any movement while driving. Lastly, take the control box into the truck and plug it into a 12V auxiliary power outlet, this will control the valves on the spray bar.
All done! You are now ready to fill the unit.

An optional garden hose assembly is available for the Combo350. This assembly makes it incredibly easy to spray areas that are not accessible with your truck.
Simply switch the flow of brine solution, and you are good to go.
The best part about these units being built fully in-house: your input is highly valuable. While I can't promise we can make every change happen, with our team of experts, we can make adjustments to your unit as needed.
We look forward to seeing these units on the road this winter and are confident they will save you time and money. We will have some units pre-made, but please think in advance as when demand peaks it may take longer than usual to build your unit.
To view our unit's entire feature package or request a quote click the button below: